Our goal is to encourage Junior High (7th and 8th grade) and High School Seniors to become aware of the nature of American History and the development of our Constitution, so they can begin to consider the responsibilities they will eventually assume as mature citizens.
The Department of Montana encourages all Posts to participate in the Survey Program. The contest officially starts on Constitution Day (September 17th) and runs through April 1st. The winning survey from each participating Post for each participating grade must be forwarded on to the Department Education and Training Chairman NO LATER THAN April 15th to be eligible for the Department Contest. The American Legion of Montana strongly feels that participation in this program will help prepare students for the future.
The American Legion does not expect teachers to use valuable class time to administer the survey unless they choose to. With the schools help, we are willing to send members from local Posts before school, after school, or on a weekend to proctor the survey. Teachers may choose to have the local Post do the grading or they may do it themselves. Upon completion of grading each school will submit one winner from each participating class (7th, 8th, 12th) to the Post then the Post will submit those winners to the Department Education and Training Chairmen.
The survey must be completed and turned into the local Post no later than April 1st.
Prizes To Be Awarded for best 7th grade, best 8th grade and best Senior test:
Each Post sets their own award or prize amount without direction from Department.
The Department of Montana 7th and 8th grade First Place Winners will be awarded a $200 cash scholarship, the Second Place Winners will receive a $125 cash scholarship and the Third Place Winners will receive a $75 cash scholarship.
The Department of Montana High Senior survey First Place Winner will be awarded a $400 cash scholarship, the Second Place Winner will receive a $250 scholarship and the Third Place Winner will receive a $150 scholarship.
Additional Resources:
Post Commanders Senior Government Survey
Teacher/Parent Senior Government Survey
Post Commanders 7th and 8th Grade Government Survey
Teacher/Parent 7th and 8th Grade Government Survey
Please send Post winning 7th grade, 8th grade and Senior tests to the program chairman at PO Box 723, Harlowton MT 59036 or broncojeff7@hotmail.com
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